Sunday 3 August 2014

Post 12 | Renderings | 02/08/2014

This post shows the perspectives i have chosen and the renders i did for each of them. The modelling was done on Sketchup while the rendering was fully done on photoshop.

This is the House of Om Restaurant situated on the first level of the Tan Teng Niah Building. It has a refined Chinese interior that offers a temple like feel. However, the rough and smooth walls give more definition to the space.

This is my performance space that highlights 

Wednesday 30 July 2014

Post 11 | Design Details | 30/07/2014


Deadlines are drawing and i have done up most of the required items. These are the materials i will be using for the project:

These materials reflect the materials used in the temple architecture. They showcase the rough and smoothness of textures that define the various spaces.

My next post will show the perspectives and progression to my renders.

Monday 28 July 2014

Post 10 | Evolution | 28/07/2014


Am extremely stressed out now. So many things need to be done and so little time. Haiz.....

Anyway update is CHANGE. I have totally changed my entire floor plans. And they need refinement. I have heard of people who do last minute changes with astonishing results but im not sure if this is one of those cases! After torturous hours of me glued to the screen, this is the result.

Not labelled, but my spacial planning has changed. I flipped the first and second storeys. I think its for the best as it creates a better flow throughout the spaces. 


Thursday 24 July 2014

Post 9 | Mood Boards | 24/07/2014

Hello My Lovelies,

Its time to focus on the design part of the entire module. DESIGNING THE SPACE. Ms Cynthia had given me extremely valuable feedback and ways i can improve my designs. Here are my mood boards just to give a hint of what i want to design in my space.

Feel free to click on them for a detailed and bigger pictures.

Stonework, Intricate Cravings, Light and Darkness.
All trying to invoke the spiritual, sensuous and sacred space of a temple.

Refined, Grand, Bliss.
Proposing Grandeur and a Celebration upon reaching enlightenment.

My Materials and design will be highlighted in my next post.


Friday 18 July 2014

Post 8 | Conceptual Translation | 18/07/2014

Hi Guys,

So i have done some tweaking to my concepts to best fit the whole purpose of the space which is to highlight and show off dance in its rare form. So my confirmed concepts are SPIRITUALITY and BALINESE TEMPLE ARCHITECTURE.

My slides below show my concept:

Acceptance, Connection, Oneness

Abstraction of ideas from the architecture of the Balinese Temple.

Thats it for now!


Saturday 12 July 2014

Post 7: Spatial Planning & Design | 12/07/2014

Yo Guys!

So latest update: I had my Interim II on the 4th of June. was busy prepping for that. But, the judging panel absolutely liked my concept. they found it different. It appealed to them alot. was grateful for that as it made my day.

Moving on, they still found minor things for me to work on. Especially the idea of feeling and experiencing the space. I had good ideas but they could not see much of a translation to physicality. Below are a few of my slides. They show my spacial programming of the spaces:

The spiral was based on my Concept of the Balinese Temple Architecture. Will talk more about it in my next post.

For now, ciao!:)

Wednesday 4 June 2014

Post 6 | Conceptualization | 04/06/2014

Hello there,

Its been only a few days but i believe the concepts for my design are interesting and has much potential. The interior design of The Tan Teng Niah house is Spirituality. I derived to this concept because of the roots of Tan Teng Niah itself. A Chinese Home situated in the heart of Little India,anything but IRONIC. Well this irony definitely appealed to me. It got me thinking; What is any one type of connection between a Chinese and Indian? Be it people, culture or anything. And only then did it occur to me. Buddhism.

Buddhism is not a religion. It is a way of life. Something that can be practiced with the ultimate goal of becoming enlightened where they find ultimate peace and feel bliss.

There are 3 stages to reach enlightenment.

Acceptance is being aware and in the moment but being able to be neutral instead of thinking too much and judging.

Connections is being able to feel drawn to everything and anything around you. The ability to attach yourself to people and things around you

And Oneness is being to understand that everything is you and you are in everything.

Using these stages i wish to highlight 3 different spaces in the house.

Ciao, Lulu:)