Wednesday 4 June 2014

Post 6 | Conceptualization | 04/06/2014

Hello there,

Its been only a few days but i believe the concepts for my design are interesting and has much potential. The interior design of The Tan Teng Niah house is Spirituality. I derived to this concept because of the roots of Tan Teng Niah itself. A Chinese Home situated in the heart of Little India,anything but IRONIC. Well this irony definitely appealed to me. It got me thinking; What is any one type of connection between a Chinese and Indian? Be it people, culture or anything. And only then did it occur to me. Buddhism.

Buddhism is not a religion. It is a way of life. Something that can be practiced with the ultimate goal of becoming enlightened where they find ultimate peace and feel bliss.

There are 3 stages to reach enlightenment.

Acceptance is being aware and in the moment but being able to be neutral instead of thinking too much and judging.

Connections is being able to feel drawn to everything and anything around you. The ability to attach yourself to people and things around you

And Oneness is being to understand that everything is you and you are in everything.

Using these stages i wish to highlight 3 different spaces in the house.

Ciao, Lulu:)

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